Thursday, August 7, 2008

Veggie items in U.S. politics

A little while back we mentioned how Oprah Winfrey was giving veganism a try, as part of a three week cleanse.
Apparently her buddy, Barack Obama, is up on factory farming issues - with factory farming being one of more common reasons that people turn to the veggie life.

In this post on the writer talks about asking a factory farming related question to Obama at a town hall, and being pleased with his knowledgeable response (although, from what I can tell, all he really says is that subsidies need to be taken away from the big concentrated animal feeding operations).

Anyway, let's hear it for the Democrats. At least they've heard of vegetarianism. Heck, they even had a Vegan who was in the hunt for the presidential nomination for a while. Dennis Kucinich is member of the House of Representatives from Ohio, and might have been an even more interesting nomination for President than Obama.

Here he is, discussing healthy eating with Chris Matthews and Lance Armstrong:

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