Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Veggie eaters band together

The Orillia Veggie Group made the local newspaper! On Saturday Oct. 11 the Packet ran a front page story titled Veggie-eaters band together (try this link if the other one doesn't work).

From the article:
The 20-person club meets once a month for a potluck dinner, where they socialize and share recipes. There are also “meat-eaters” in the club who joined to learn how to cook healthy dishes.

Losole said she would like to see the group expand and be able to host guest speakers during their monthly meals.

“I’d like to see people coming as a response to not being happy with the food supply. (The club) is a support system and it’s nice to be with people who think the same way,” she said. “It’s all about what is on your plate, where does that come from and what’s in it.”

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